Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Samarkand , Uzbekistan
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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- No risk, No story
- at least, I tried

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Done with all assignments and projects finally 🙌 but typing these all in Microsoft words will take at least 2 hours of mine

Gonna start preparing for finals

Had an amazing experience participating in an educational collaboration involving multiple institutions from Uzbekistan and Malaysia. It’s incredible to witness how the relationship between these two countries has strengthened over the years, leading to more exchange programs and academic partnerships.

It was truly inspiring to see directors and rectors from Uzbekistan’s top universities working together to create new opportunities for students. Even more exciting is the fact that, in the coming years, more Uzbek students will be able to enhance their skills at Malaysia’s leading universities through these exchange initiatives.

Ilhomjon Tuxtasinov , seeing him brought back a wave of nostalgia—it was unavoidable to feel how much I missed Samarkand.

Education is a bridge that connects nations, and I hope this cooperation continues to flourish for years to come. May this partnership open new doors for knowledge, innovation, and growth for students from both countries!

I am always looking to build a strong network, and today was another incredible day spent with amazing friends. We first met at a conference, and our conversation was filled with deep insights and meaningful discussions.

As someone once said, "It is easy to make friends, but finding true friends who uplift you with their energy is far more rare." This reminds me of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words:
"The only way to have a friend is to be one."

Hectic life

2 of my articles got published, soon I will share.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The President's first official visit in 20 years

Prezidentning 20 yil ichidagi rasmiy tashrifi


What is the main problem do you think that many youngsters are facing now?

What would be your response?

Most important part ,this problem will be yours.

Social media? It means this is the problem of yours.

Knowing a lot , but not following? It is your problem.

Not reading books? It is your problem.

Now you know what to work on.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Analyzing every chapter of this book

All about finance and investing.

Sometimes I think I am studying the right major.

As Kiyosaki puts it, no matter who you become in the future , be an investor.

Internship ham start up, bizness va investingga oid. Fevral oyida ko'plab postlar shu bo'yicha bo'ladi.

Va albatta biz yangi ma'suliyatni nishonladik.

O'zim turgan shahar haqida ko‘proq ma'lumot olish maqsadida sayohat uyishtirdik. Selangor Malayziyaning eng qimmat va rivojlangan shahari. U davlatning 25% GDP siga hissa qo'shadi.

Davlatning eng katta aeroporti ham Selangor, Sepangda joylashgan bu degani bu shahar ko'plab insonlar uchun travel hub.

Selangorda davlatning eng katta dengiz porti- Port Klang joylashgan bo'lib, u xalqaro Savdo uchun eng asosiy darvoza hisoblanadi. Bu degani ko'plab yirik Xalqaro kompaniyalar o'z bosh qarorgohlarini Selangorda joylashtirishgan.

Local aholi bilan ko‘proq suhbatlar qildik. Golding aytganidek Eng yaxshi fikrlar aslida eng oddiy fikrlar va shubhasiz 2 ta insonni fikrini muammosini eshitib bitta yechim izlashga harakat qildik. Ularni o'zlari tushunmaydigan narsa yechimi ko'p hollarda bitta bo'lishi.

Rasmda eng Selangorning maketi. Juda chiroyli lekin odamlarni juda Kam ko'rasiz,yashil Zona lekin air pollution 😳

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
My next trip to KL

Just a few words : halal New York

Xitoyning yangi yilini ham, eng muhim proyektlarni ham, 1 ta quizni ham tugatib oldik . 1 haftalik ta'til juda yaxshi o'tdi. Albatta o'qish, tugallanmagan ishlarimni tugatish, yangi " skill" larni o'rganish va nemis tili darajamni ko'tarish va yangi internship bilan yakunlaymiz.

Yanvar juda ajoyib va mazmunli boshlandi. Ko'plab do'stlar, yangi taasurotlar ayniqsa o'zimdan tajribasi katta insonlarning davrasiga qo'shilish men uchun eng katta " Bonus " bo'ldi. PHD chilar bilan badminton club tashkillashtirdik. MBA chilar bilan Start uplar ustida ishlayapmiz va hokazo. Bu yil o'z e'tiborimni to'laqonli yo'nalishimga qaratmoqchiman va 2-yil juda katta yangiliklar bo'ladi Xudo Xohlasa.

13 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.