⚠️ I was absent on the last lesson.
⚠️ Men ohirgi darsda yo'q edim.
⚠️ I'm ready. Shall I begin?
⚠️ Men tayyorman. Boshlasam bo’ladimi?
⚠️ May I come in?
⚠️ Kirsam bo’ladimi?
⚠️ May I go out, please?
⚠️ Chiqsam maylimi?
⚠️ May I join the class / group?
⚠️ Sinfga qo’shilsam bo’ladimi?
⚠️ Sorry for being late.
⚠️ Kech qolganim uchun uzur.
⚠️ What do we have to do now?
⚠️ Biz hozir nima qilishimiz kerak?
⚠️ What page are we on?
⚠️ Biz hozir qaysi betdamiz?
👍 t.me/Ingliztilitvofficial ✅
⚠️ I was absent on the last lesson.
⚠️ Men ohirgi darsda yo'q edim.
⚠️ I'm ready. Shall I begin?
⚠️ Men tayyorman. Boshlasam bo’ladimi?
⚠️ May I come in?
⚠️ Kirsam bo’ladimi?
⚠️ May I go out, please?
⚠️ Chiqsam maylimi?
⚠️ May I join the class / group?
⚠️ Sinfga qo’shilsam bo’ladimi?
⚠️ Sorry for being late.
⚠️ Kech qolganim uchun uzur.
⚠️ What do we have to do now?
⚠️ Biz hozir nima qilishimiz kerak?
⚠️ What page are we on?
⚠️ Biz hozir qaysi betdamiz?
👍 t.me/Ingliztilitvofficial ✅