Some english prepositions - ba'zi ingliz tili predloglari
🎯 about -haqida
🎯 above - tepada
🎯 across - orqali, ichidan
🎯 after -keyin
🎯 against - qarshi
🎯 among -o’rtasida
🎯 around - atrofida, taxminan
🎯 as - o’xshab
🎯 at - ostida, ichida
🎯 before - oldin
🎯 behind - orqada
🎯 below - pastda
🎯 beneath - ostida
🎯 beside - yonma-yon
🎯 between - o’rtasida
🎯 beyond - orqasida, narigi tomonida
🎯 but - lekin
🎯 by - yonida, -da, -dan tomonidan
🎯 despite - ga qaramay
🎯 down - past tomoniga
🎯 during - davomida, mobaynida
🎯 except - dan tashqari
🎯 for - uchun
🎯 from…- dan
🎯 in - ichida
🎯 inside - ichida
🎯 into - ichiga
🎯 near - yonida
🎯 next - yonida, atrofida
🎯 of…. - ning
🎯 on - Ustida, ichida
🎯 opposite - qarama-qarshi
🎯out….- dan
🎯 outside - tashqarida
🎯 over - tepasida, o’stida
🎯 per - uchun
🎯 plus - qo’shuv
🎯 round - taxminan
🎯 since…- dan beri
🎯 than… - dan ko’ra
🎯 through - orasidan, orqali
🎯 till - gacha
🎯 to….- ga
🎯 toward…- ga
🎯 under- tagida, pastida
🎯 unlike…- ga o’xshamasdan
🎯 until - gacha
🎯 up…- ga, …da
🎯 with - bilan
🎯 with in - ichida
🎯 without… - siz
🎯 two words - ikta so’zlar
🎯 according to…- ga qaraganda
🎯 because of - sababida, tufayli
🎯 close to - yaqinda
🎯 except for - dan tashqari
🎯 far from - dan uzoq
🎯 inside of…. - Ichida
🎯 instead of…- dan ko’ra
🎯 near to….- ga yaqin
🎯 next to… -dan keyin
🎯 outside of… - dan tashqari
🎯 prior to….- Gacha
🎯 three words - uchta so’zlar
🎯 as far as… - gacha
🎯 as well as… - ga o’xshab
🎯 in addition to…- ga qo’shimcha
🎯 in front of… - qarshisida
🎯 in spite of…- dan ko’ra
🎯 on behalf of…- nomidan
🎯 on top of… - tepasida