Ingliz tili [ielts] noldan dan repost
WRITING da eng ko'p ishlatiladigan top 10ta so'zlar
1 Moreover
◦ Meaning: Bundan tashqari, qo‘shimcha ravishda.
◦ Example: The plan is cost-effective; moreover, it is easy to implement.
2 Nevertheless
◦ Meaning: Shunga qaramay, baribir.
◦ Example: He was tired; nevertheless, he continued working.
3 Subsequently
◦ Meaning: Keyinchalik, biror narsa sodir bo‘lganidan so‘ng.
◦ Example: The report was reviewed and subsequently approved.
4 Consequently
◦ Meaning: Natijada, shu sababli.
◦ Example: She missed the deadline; consequently, the project was delayed.
5 Significant
◦ Meaning: Muhim yoki katta ahamiyatga ega.
◦ Example: The study revealed significant findings about climate change.
6 Contradict
◦ Meaning: Qarama-qarshi bo‘lmoq, zid bo‘lmoq.
◦ Example: The data contradict the initial hypothesis.
7 Emphasize
◦ Meaning: Biror narsaga alohida urg‘u bermoq, muhimligini ko‘rsatmoq.
◦ Example: The speaker emphasized the importance of education.
8 In addition
◦ Meaning: Bundan tashqari, qo‘shimcha ravishda.
◦ Example: In addition to his job, he volunteers at a local charity.
9 Assess
◦ Meaning: Baholamoq, tahlil qilmoq.
◦ Example: The report assesses the economic impact of the new policy.
10 Justify
◦ Meaning: Biror narsani to‘g‘ri yoki oqlanganligini isbotlamoq.
◦ Example: He justified his decision with clear evidence.
Ushbu so‘zlar rasmiy va akademik yozuvlarda keng qo‘llaniladi va matningizni yanada aniq va professional qiladi.
RAXMAT aytmoqchi bo'lsangiz shu postga 🐳🐳 kit bosamiz
P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz 🔥❤️
👉 Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
👉 @Ibrat_Farzandlari3
👉 @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz 👈
👉 @Ibrat_English_Grammar 👈
👉 @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz
1 Moreover
◦ Meaning: Bundan tashqari, qo‘shimcha ravishda.
◦ Example: The plan is cost-effective; moreover, it is easy to implement.
2 Nevertheless
◦ Meaning: Shunga qaramay, baribir.
◦ Example: He was tired; nevertheless, he continued working.
3 Subsequently
◦ Meaning: Keyinchalik, biror narsa sodir bo‘lganidan so‘ng.
◦ Example: The report was reviewed and subsequently approved.
4 Consequently
◦ Meaning: Natijada, shu sababli.
◦ Example: She missed the deadline; consequently, the project was delayed.
5 Significant
◦ Meaning: Muhim yoki katta ahamiyatga ega.
◦ Example: The study revealed significant findings about climate change.
6 Contradict
◦ Meaning: Qarama-qarshi bo‘lmoq, zid bo‘lmoq.
◦ Example: The data contradict the initial hypothesis.
7 Emphasize
◦ Meaning: Biror narsaga alohida urg‘u bermoq, muhimligini ko‘rsatmoq.
◦ Example: The speaker emphasized the importance of education.
8 In addition
◦ Meaning: Bundan tashqari, qo‘shimcha ravishda.
◦ Example: In addition to his job, he volunteers at a local charity.
9 Assess
◦ Meaning: Baholamoq, tahlil qilmoq.
◦ Example: The report assesses the economic impact of the new policy.
10 Justify
◦ Meaning: Biror narsani to‘g‘ri yoki oqlanganligini isbotlamoq.
◦ Example: He justified his decision with clear evidence.
Ushbu so‘zlar rasmiy va akademik yozuvlarda keng qo‘llaniladi va matningizni yanada aniq va professional qiladi.
RAXMAT aytmoqchi bo'lsangiz shu postga 🐳🐳 kit bosamiz
P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz 🔥❤️
👉 Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
👉 @Ibrat_Farzandlari3
👉 @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz 👈
👉 @Ibrat_English_Grammar 👈
👉 @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz