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Mike's IELTS | 8.0 dan repost
Speaking Day 1.pdf

What is in the pdf?

- 4 speaking part 2 topics

- Relevant ideas

- Topic vocabulary + collocations

- A sample answer for each topic

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


P.S. Menimcha ancha foydali bo'ladi

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📌 SPEAKING uchun hamma qidirib yurgan VOCABULARY kitob

Topic based VOCABULARY

P/S. Umid qilamanki hamma bu kitobdan unumli foydalanadi

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IELTS va Multi Level da eng ko'p takrorlanadigan sinonimlar

➡️Valuable = precious, costly, useful, beneficial,
➡️Excellent = superb, outstanding, splendid.
➡️ Cordial = friendly, affectionate, warm- heated.
➡️Cute = adorable, pretty, catchy, appealing.
➡️Boring = tedious, dull, disgusting, annoying
➡️ Famous = popular, well-known, prominent, famed.
➡️Bad = inferior, unsatisfactory, nasty, imperfect.
➡️Happy = cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial
➡️Patient = tolerant, calm, forbearing, persistent,
➡️Silly = foolish, stupid, unintelligent, idiotic.
➡️Efficient = proficient, skilled, competent, productive.
➡️Believe = trust, faith, confidence, admit, regard.
➡️Help = aid, assist, support, serve, encourage, attend.
➡️Look = see, notice, watch, observe, view, recognize.
➡️Eager = keen, interested, fervent, enthusiastic.
➡️Wrong = incorrect, mistaken, error, fault.

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Informal English vs Formal English 📈📉

✅ My bad - my apologies

✅ Get in touch with - contact

✅ Think about - consider

✅ Deal with - handle

✅ Show up - arrive

✅Anyways - nevertheless

✅ So - therefore, thus

✅ Put off - postpone

✅ Stand for - represent

✅ Get - obtain


8.1k 3 130 1 117

"Education" mavzusiga oid Vocabulary 👩‍🏫🎓🎓

🇸🇦 Curriculum - the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college (o'quv rejasi, ta'lim dasturi)

The curriculum in private schools is sometimes wider than in state schools, because they have
more resources.

🇸🇦Academic achievement - the measurable performance of a student in marks, exam results etc
(o'quvchini o'zlashtirish ko'rsatkichlari)

In my country, children enjoy school, but academic achievement is frankly quite low.

🇸🇦Distance learning - learning by the Internet or email, rather than face-to-face (masofaviy ta'lim)

My mother took an entire degree by distance learning over a period of five years.

🇸🇦 Group work - study where pupils discuss and agree a project together
(Jamoaviy ishlash)

Personally, I think that group work enables lazy children to do less work than the eager ones.

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Birinchi qor bilan❄️❄️❄️❄️

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Common phrases for agreeing
— Rozilikni bildirilganda qo'llaniladigan iboralar

➡️1.  Exactly!
➡️2.  Absolutely!
➡️3.  That’s so true!
➡️4.  That’s so right!
➡️5.  I agree 100%!
➡️6.  I couldn’t agree more!
➡️7.  Tell me about it!

Common phrases for disagreeing
— Norozilikni bildirilganda qo'llaniladigan iboralar

➡️8.  I’m not so sure about that.
➡️9.  That’s not how I see it.
➡️10.  Not necessarily…
➡️11.  I can’t really agree with you there! 

Common phrases to end a conversation politely
— Suhbatni xushmuomilalik bilan tugatish iboralari

➡️12.  Well, was nice chatting with you!
➡️13.  Right! I need to get going.
➡️14.  I must be off!

Common phrases for saying goodbye
— Xayrlashish uchun ishtatiladigan iboralar

➡️15.  Speak (to you) soon!
➡️16.  Send me love to your family!
➡️17.  Bye bye!
➡️18.  You take care now!
➡️19.  Have a good one!
➡️20.  Talk to you later! 

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1⃣. A lifelong friend - Bir umrlik do'st
2⃣. A relationship of trust - Ishonch munosabatlari
3⃣. A shoulder to cry on - Yig'lashga bir yelka
4⃣. Dear to my heart - Yurakka aziz, qadrdon
5⃣. Distant cousins - Uzoq qarindoshlar
6⃣. Extend the hand of friendship - Do'stlik qo'lini cho'zmoq
7⃣. Face to face - Yuzma-yuz
8⃣. Get to know one another - Bir-biringizni yaqinroq bilib olmoq
9⃣. Long-term relationships - Uzoq muddatli munosabatlar
🔟. To keep in touch with - Aloqada bo'lmoq
⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣♡ 😀 ㅤ ❍🗳ㅤ  🕊⎙ㅤ     ⌲ ˡᶦᵏᵉ 
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📌 Bazi bir kirish so'z, bog'lovchi va predloglarning ma'nolari

✅According to - …-ga ko’ra
✅Apart from - …-ni hisobga olmaganda
✅As to(as for) - …-ga kelsak
✅But for - …bo’lmaganda
✅By means of - …vositasida
✅In accordance with - …-ga ko’ra
✅As compared with - …bilan taqqoslaganda
✅In comparison with - …bilan taqqoslaganda
✅In conformity with - …-ga ko’ra
✅In consequence of - …-ning natijasida
✅In favour of - …-ning foydasiga
✅Instead of - …-ning o’rniga
✅On behalf of - …-ning nomidan
✅Subject to - … bo’lsa, sharti bilan
✅With (a) regard to - …haqida, to’g’risida
✅With (a) respect to - …haqida,to’g’risida
✅Provided (that)/ Providing(that)
-’lsa, sharti bilan
✅Seeing (that) - …bilib, madomiki
✅Supposing (that) - aytaylik, faraz qilaylik
✅Moreover – bundan tashqari
✅Furthermore – bundan tashqari
✅As if/As though  - Xuddi
✅On condition (that) – …sharti bilan
✅As…as - …-dek
✅Than - …-dan ko’ra
✅As a result of - …-ning natijasida
✅Once - …-gach, bilanoq
✅Hitherto – hozirgacha
✅Inasmuch as – qo’shimchasiga, bundan tashqari
✅On the contrary – shunga zid
✅Eventually – axir, vaqti kelib
✅Vice versa – huddi shuning teskarisi
✅Hence – shu sababdan
✅Notwithstanding - …-ning tasirisiz
✅Meanwhile – huddi shu paytda
✅Likewise – huddi shu usulda, bir xil 
✅Besides – nundan tashqari
✅As a matter of fact – Shu tufayli
✅Indeed – chindan ham, rostan ham
✅Until/Till - …-gacha 

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Rain vocabulary 🌧🌩

☔️ Heavy rain - kuchli yomg’ir

☔️ Constant rain - to’xtovsiz yomg’ir

☔️ Light rain - yengil yomg’ir

☔️ Gentle rain - yengil yomg’ir

☔️ Steady rain - to’xtovsiz yomg’ir

☔️ Pouring rain - shiddatli yomg’ir

☔️ Downpour - jala

☔️ Drizzle - yomg’ir shivalashi

☔️ Rainstorm - yomg’irli bo’ron

☔️ Rainfall - namgarchilik

☔️ Shower - kuchli yomg’ir

☔️ Droplet - tomchi

☔️ Deluge - jala, sel

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List of 2000 words in English.pdf
✅Tadqiqotlarga ko’ra, ingliz tilida eng kerakli 2000 ta so’zni yod olsangiz, siz bu tilda erkin gapira olasiz!☝️

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Vocabulary Time

🆕People and society🧍‍♂👬

🔹Relationship - Aloqa, munosabat
🔹Connection - Aloqa, bog'liqlik
🔹Blame - Ayblash, qoralash
🔹Fault - Kamchilik, nuqson
🔹Crowd - Olomon, omma
🔹Audience - Auditoriya, tomoshabinlar
🔹Enjoy - Huzur qilmoq
🔹 Please - Xursand qilmoq
🔹Support - Qo'llab quvvatlamoq
🔹Assist - Yordam bermoq
🔹Kind - Mehribon
🔹Polite - Odobli, muloyim
🔹Sympathetic - Achingan, hamdard
🔹Likeable - Yoqimli, do'stona
🔹Bad-tempered - Asabiy
🔹Sensitive Ta'sirchan, nozik
🔹Sensible - O'ylab ish qiladigan
🔹Company/group - Ulfat, guruh
🔹Popular/famous - Mashxur, taniqli
🔹Typical/usual/ordinary - Tipik,Har doimgi, oddiy
🔹Unknown/infamous - Yomonligi bilan mashhur, noma'lum
🔹Self-confident - O'ziga ishongan
🔹Personality - Shaxsiyat
🔹Volunteer - Ko'ngilli, talabkor
🔹Tolerance - Chidam, bardosh
🔹Consumerism - Ko'p mahsulot sotib olish va buni yoqlash 
🔹Life expectancy - O'rtacha umr ko'rish davri
🔹Generation gap - Yosh avlod va ularning  ota - onasi o'rtasidagi tafovut
🔹Disparity -Tafovut
🔹Discrimination - Kamsitish, tahqirlash.

Qahramon is a self-confident student, as he studies at the  Academy learning centre.

Qahramon o'ziga ishongan o'quvchi, chunki u Akademiya o'quv markazida tahsil oladi.

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Hamma salom. 👋👋👋

Bilasizmi IELTS imtihonini vocabulary test desa ham bo’ladi, chunki IELTS imtihonida va ayniqsa Listening va Readingda sizning so’z bilish darajangiz tekshiriladi.

Bu postda odatda Listening Part 2 da tushadigan va ko’pchilik o’quvchilarga bosh og’rig’i bo’ladigan ‘Labelling a Map or Plan’ 🗺 savol turlarida ishlatiladigan so’zlar va iboralarni ko’rib chiqamiz (ha aytgandek bu so’zlar va iboralarni Writing task one map savol turida ham ishlatsangiz bo’ladi).

At the top - …ni tepasida

at the bottom -
… ni pasida

on the left - chapda

on the right - o’ngda

on the far side - uzoq tomonda

North/South/East/West - Shimol/Janub/Sharq/G’arb

to the north - shimolga qarab

to the west - g’arbga qarab

slightly west of - dan ozroq g’arbda

in the southern - janubda

in the northeast - shimoliy sharqda

in the middle of -
ning o’rtasida

in the centre of … ning markazida

above - yuqori

below - past

inside - ichida

outside - tashqarida

opposite/in front of - ro’parasida

left hand side - chap qo’l tomonda

right hand side - o’ng qo’l tomonda

clockwise - soat strelkasi bo’ylab

anti-clockwise - soat strelkasiga teskari

a little beyond - biroz narida

just past - dan biroz o’tib

before you get to - qayergadir yetishizdan oldin

adjoining - yonidagi, …ga qo’shilgan

enter via - orqali kirish

runs alongside - bo’ylab cho’zilgan

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣♡ 😀 ㅤ ❍🗳ㅤ  🕊⎙ㅤ     ⌲ ˡᶦᵏᵉ 
ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ    ˢᵃᵛᵉ     ˢʰᵃʳᵉ        

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🆕 Most important “LINKERS”


🔸Due to
🔹Owing to
🔸The reason why
🔸Leads to
🔸In other words


🔹Consist of
🔹That is
🔸Refers to

🔸In addition
🔹To add
🔸As well as
🔹And then
🔹Not only ... but
🔸Besides this / that
🔹That is not all

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣♡ 😀 ㅤ ❍🗳ㅤ  🕊⎙ㅤ     ⌲ ˡᶦᵏᵉ 
ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ    ˢᵃᵛᵉ     ˢʰᵃʳᵉ        

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📊 IELTS WRITING TASK 1:  Academic Vocabulary In Use


🔝 Going Up
•    Rise(rose)
•    Go up(went up)
•    Increase(increased)
•    Grow(Grew)
•    Shoot up (shot up)
•    Surge(surged)
•    Rocket (rocketed)
⬇️ Going Down
    Decrease (decreased)
•    Fall (fell)
•    Drop (fell)
•    Decline (declined)
•    Go down (went down)
•    Plunge (plunged)
•    P
😀 No Cha
•    stay the same
•    remain constant
•    stabilised
•    remain steady
•    were unchanged
•    did not change
•    remain stable

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣♡ 😀 ㅤ ❍🗳ㅤ  🕊⎙ㅤ     ⌲ ˡᶦᵏᵉ 
ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ    ˢᵃᵛᵉ     ˢʰᵃʳᵉ         ❤️

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1️⃣Come close – to almost do something.
(Yaqin kelmoq)

We didn’t win, but we came close to win.
(Biz g’alaba qozona olmadik, ammo g’alabaga juda yaqin kelgandik.)

2️⃣ Come first – to be more important than something else
(Hammasidan ustun bo’lmoq)

He cares about his job, but his family comes first.
(U o’z ishi haqida juda ko’p o’ylaydi, lekin u uchun uning oilasi hammasidan ustun turadi.)

3️⃣ Come to a stop – If an activity comes to a stop, it stops happening.
(To’xtab qolmoq)

Working on this project has come to a stop because of a lack of funding.
(Loyiha ustida ish mablag’ yetishmovchiligi bois to’xtab qoldi.)

4️⃣ Come up with – to think of an idea, answer etc.
(O’ylab topmoq)

We have been asked to come up with some new ideas.
(Bizdan yangi fikrlar o’ylab topishimizn so’rashdi.)

5️⃣  Come cheap – to be available at a low price
(Arzonga sotilmoq)

These smartphones don’t come cheap.
(Bu telefonlarni arzonga olib bo’lmaydi.)

6️⃣ Come to a compromise – a way of ending problem
(Kelishuvga erishmoq)

Both sides have agreed to meet in the hope of coming to a compromise.
(Ikki taraf kelishib olish maqsadida uchrashishga ko’nishdi.)

7️⃣ Come to rescue – to save someone who is having problems or difficulties
(Qiyin vaziyatda yordamlashmoq)

Carol’s brother came to the rescue and sent her 1000$.
(Carolning akasi unga yordam berdi va 1000$ jo’natdi.)

8️⃣  Come on time – to arrive at the exact time
(Ayni vaqtda yetib kelmoq)

John always tries to come on time.
(John har doim ayni vaqtda yetib kelishga harakat qiladi.)

9️⃣ Come clean – be completely honest
(Rostgo’y bo’lmoq)

My friend Ann doesn’t always come clean.
(Do’stim Anna har doim  ham rost gapiravermaydi.)

🔟 Come to life -  If something such as machine comes to life, it starts to work.
(Ishga tushmoq)

Sometimes my TV doesn’t come to life.
(Ba’zida mening televizorim ishlamay qoladi)

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20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.