🌱 Words related to "ENVIRONMENT"
🌍 1. Climate change – iqlim o'zgarishi (изменение климата)
• Climate change is a global issue that needs urgent attention.
🌍 2. Renewable energy – qayta tiklanuvchi energiya (возобновляемая энергия)
• Solar power is a popular form of renewable energy.
🌍 3. Deforestation – o‘rmonlarning kesilishi (вырубка лесов)
• Deforestation is a major threat to biodiversity.
🌍 4. Pollution – ifloslanish (загрязнение)
• Air pollution is a serious problem in urban areas.
🌍 5. Conservation – tabiatni saqlash (сохранение природы)
• Conservation efforts are essential to protect endangered species.
🌍 6. Ecosystem – ekotizim (экосистема)
• Human activities have disrupted the natural ecosystem.
🌍 7. Greenhouse gases – issiqxona gazlari (парниковые газы)
• Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming.
🌍 8. Habitat – yashash joyi (местообитание)
• The destruction of natural habitats affects many animals.
🌍 9. Recycling – qayta ishlash (переработка)
• Recycling helps reduce waste and save resources.
🌍 10. Biodiversity – biologik xilma-xillik (биологическое разнообразие)
• Biodiversity is crucial for maintaining a healthy planet.
🌍 1. Climate change – iqlim o'zgarishi (изменение климата)
• Climate change is a global issue that needs urgent attention.
🌍 2. Renewable energy – qayta tiklanuvchi energiya (возобновляемая энергия)
• Solar power is a popular form of renewable energy.
🌍 3. Deforestation – o‘rmonlarning kesilishi (вырубка лесов)
• Deforestation is a major threat to biodiversity.
🌍 4. Pollution – ifloslanish (загрязнение)
• Air pollution is a serious problem in urban areas.
🌍 5. Conservation – tabiatni saqlash (сохранение природы)
• Conservation efforts are essential to protect endangered species.
🌍 6. Ecosystem – ekotizim (экосистема)
• Human activities have disrupted the natural ecosystem.
🌍 7. Greenhouse gases – issiqxona gazlari (парниковые газы)
• Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming.
🌍 8. Habitat – yashash joyi (местообитание)
• The destruction of natural habitats affects many animals.
🌍 9. Recycling – qayta ishlash (переработка)
• Recycling helps reduce waste and save resources.
🌍 10. Biodiversity – biologik xilma-xillik (биологическое разнообразие)
• Biodiversity is crucial for maintaining a healthy planet.