Hasanboy Karimjonov | Blog

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Dasturlash, akademik hayot, chet elda o'qish va shunga o'xshash mavzularda gaplashamiz.
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

Agar nimadir kino ko'rish kerak bo'lganda, o'ylab o'tirmasdan yangi batman ni ko'rgan bo'lardim-_-

balki endi Humo da muammolar kuzatilmas

Pomidorlar umrida birinchi marta bunaqa rohatda yashayapti xD

166 0 0 13 16

Facebook rostdan ham eng noqulay dasturlardan biri. Qanday ishlatisharkin-a? 4-5 yil avval ochgan akkountim hali ham turgan ekan. 1000+ email. akkountni o'chiraman deb yarim soat vaqtim ketdi.

Toshkentda havo sifati yomonlashyapti, poytaxtni Jizzaxga ko'chirishni ayni vaqti😉

202 0 0 16 10

KFUPM_uz dan repost
Full-ride scholarship opportunity for SAT takers!

KFUPM (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerology )

Dahran, Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦

QS ranking 2025:
101th in the world

Full-scholarship benefits:
- Direct admission to your first-choice major at KFUPM
- Waiver of the entire bachelor’s degree tuition
- Free on campus accommodation in student dorms
- Free course textbooks all throughout the program
- Subsidized on campus dining
- Monthly stipend of 1,000 Saudi Riyals
- Annual two-way Economy class ticket to home residence
- An international travel and cross-culture experience
- Access to KFUPM’s private beach, recreation and medical facilities
-And more...

Admission requirements:
-The applicant must be a high school graduate (General, Computer Science and Engineering, Health and Life) or an international school graduate (Natural Sciences) in the current year or the previous year (= graduating school in 2025 or graduated in 2024)

-A minimum SAT score of 1350 is required to apply. Meeting the minimum score does not ensure admission. Admissions are competitive.

-SAT scores must be directly sent to King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals from the SAT Test Center.

-Recommendation Letter: The student must complete and attach a letter of recommendation to the application form.

-The student must submit a statement of purpose (a brief description of yourself, explaining your academic goals and how you aim to contribute to improving your community and the world).

-Qualified applicants must pass the university's Mathematics test.

-Applicants may also be required to participate in an interview for admission

-No GPA or high school transcript required at the time of application filling. 

-SAT superscores aren't accepted.

Aerospace Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Control and Instrumentation Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Physics
Human Resource Management
Systems Information Management
Science Computer
Software Engineering
Computer Engineering
Industrial Engineering and Systems
Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics
Chemical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Civil Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Integrated Design
Smart and sustainable cities
Environmental Science and Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Mining Science and Engineering

Application period:

5-14 January

Apply from here:


Dr. Algorithm dan repost
Inna lillahi va inna ilayhi rojiun.

🤲 Shukrullo Turgunov (@vodiylik).

Oʻzbek IT olamida koʻp foydalari tekkan inson.

Duo qilib qoʻysangiz.

MrBeast ni ham berib qo'ydik🥲

endi shunaqa xabarlarga ham reaksiya bossa bo'larkan 🗿

albatta, ijtimoiy tarmoqlardan ham cheklanamiz. Faqatgina telegram va youtube bor ammo shular ham ko'plik qilyapti. Ko'pgina chatlardan chiqsam kerak(especially girls' channels-_-). Balki screen limit qo'yarmiz har biriga. Xullas sinab ko'ramiz buni ham

A year without music? It is the most hard one. Especially for someone like me. Hard but achievable

100 push-ups, 100 squats, and 100 crunches for 100 days? In a row!? I’ve started feeling pain in my knees, but I’ll keep trying.

let's gooo brother. I am thinking about that too. Healthy body, healthy mind ✊

Kimligini topgandayman😅. Ha topdingiz, rejada bor bu ham. Albatta sinab ko'raman, o'zim ham shunga o'xshash narsalar o'ylab yurgandim. O'qish joyimga ko'nikib boshlaganimdan keyin albatta sinab ko'ramiz, taklif uchun rahmat ⚡️

va alaykum assalom. Men ham shunga aniqlashtirish kiritmoqchi edim, so'raganingiz uchun rahmat.

Odatiy maqsadlarni nazarda tutmagan edim, masalan yil davomida 40+ kitob reja qilganman, sport bilan shug'ullanaman. Bularni ochiqlashni hech qanday zarari yo'q. Lekin kattaroq va anniq sizga tegishli bo'lgan maqsadlar amalga oshmagunicha sir turgani ma'qul. Chunki ko'pchilikka oshkor qilib qo'ysangiz keyin bu ishni ko'proq kerak bo'lgani uchun emas balki boshqalar shu ishga harakat qilayotganingizni bilgani uchungina harakat qilishni boshlaysiz. Mabodo amalga oshmay qolsa boshqalar nima deydi degan his bezovta qilishni boshlaydi.

Lekin bu ro'yxatni o'zingiz uchun tuzib qo'yishingiz kerak. Eslatma shaklida.

(bu hammada ham bir xil bo'lmasligi mumkin, menda shunday. Boshqalarda boshqacha ta'sir ko'rsatishi ham mumkin:)

2024-yil unchalik sarhisob qiladigan darajada bo'lmadi. Faqatgina iQtidorly camp va olimpiadani highlight sifatida ko'rsatish mumkin. Lekin shu oz narsalarning ichida ham anchagina taassurot oldim.

2025-yil shubxasiz katta o'zgarishlar yili bo'ladi. Maktabning so'ngi yili, oliy ta'limga harakatlarni kuchaytirish kerak.

Maqsadlarimni ochiqlash niyatim yo'q. Sababi o'tgan yillar davomida bu zararga ishlayotgandek tuyila boshladi. Shu sabab o'rniga turli xil challenge lar sinab ko'ramiz. Takliflar bormi

welllll, time to think about past and future?

MohirDev.uz dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Chalg‘imaymiz! 🧗🏻‍♂️


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.