
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

— IL, Chicago, Elmhurst`27🇺🇸
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◾️Samarkand-USA English camp 2022
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Daily: @enolaxon)
Me: @G_Basira

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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For my birthday I guess 😁


Олмали нимадир

My drawing skills was brilliant back then😅

My mom kept it as a memory. Pretty good for a 6th grade student, right?

ALPHA | LC dan repost
4 oyda ingliz tilida sayravorasiz


Elmhurst University (Chicago, Illinois) 2-kurs talabasi, IELTS Speaking 8.5 egasi Basira G‘aniyeva boshchiligidagi 'SPEAKING CLUB'ga taklif qilamiz!

Sizni nimalar kutmoqda?
100% haqiqiy suhbat – faqat jonli muloqot!
Super qiziqarli mavzular – zerikish yo‘q!
Interaktiv bahs va muhokamalar – yangicha dunyoqarash!
Ingliz tilida ravon va ishonch bilan gapirish – real natijalar!

📌 ‘ALPHA’ o‘quv markazi

🔗Joylar soni cheklangan – hoziroq ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!

🗓 Qabul 15-martgacha

Telegram | Instagram

Today girls in Uzbekistan:


Va inyazda o’qiydigan siz:

167 0 3 13 20

💘 У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

how difficult to get accepted to Elmhurst uni with same amount of scholarship you won

Approximately 68%. You just apply and your application is automatically going to be considered for those scholarships.

Well I have seen Adidas, Adibas but…

Not “adipas”😱

Today was probably one of the most unproductive days of my life. I couldn’t do any of my plans for today. So saaad:(

Well, things happen

Hillow-hillow, how is your Ramadan going so far?

Are you productive enough? What changes have you made for this month specifically?

( Me: deleted instagram)

Are u excited?
Because I'm!!!

Happy Ramadan ☪

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
I was taking a nap, and suddenly heard a baby crying outside, but when I went to check what’s going on, there were these 2 cattss talking to each other🥲

Question: what were they talking about? Complaining about how hard their life is? Haha

“Pisht” deyishga nechchi?

Hi again!

A lot is going on in my life. Yours?

Btw, why is my channel not “famous” anymore???

Hi, darling(s)


*I am not the one who bought it, so…

Mayli endi deb “High Town City” niyam ko’rib keldik:)

17 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.