English time📖

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

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✅ Reading and writing ↗️
✅Shadowing 💝💝
✅ New friends and funny speakers👬👭👫
✅ Motivation 🌅🧘‍♀
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📌📌Channel rule:NEVER GIVE UP ❗️❗

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Repititer shunchalar qimmatmi💸

Examsiz zulmatmi🌃

Sertifikat eng ulug' ne'matmi👀

Yo'qmi abituriyent qiymati😑

Abituriyentlar uchun maxsus😅

@English_timeN 🦋

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Are there students? 😂

@English_timeN 🦋


My brain trying to figure out IF it's an actual memory, a movie I saw or a dream I had

✅High-level 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 for WRITING TASK 2 ✅

*️⃣Undoubtedly – shubhasiz

◽️ Example: Undoubtedly, climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time.
🇺🇿 Translation: Shubhasiz, iqlim o‘zgarishi bizning zamonamizning eng dolzarb muammolaridan biridir.

*️⃣In particular – xususan

◽️ Example: In particular, renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power have gained popularity.


n: Xususan, quyosh va shamol kabi qayta tiklanadigan energiya manbalari mashhurlikka erishd


*️⃣By contrast – aksincha

◽️Example: By contrast, rural areas often lack access to basic healthcare facilitie
🇿 Trans
: Aksincha, qishloq joylarda ko‘pincha asosiy tibbiy xizmatlarga kirish imkoniyat

i yo‘q.

🚀Join: @English_timeN 🦋

📝 Future Niners — nechta tog’ri javob topa oldik?

😎 - 6
😇 - 5
🥰 - 4
🏆 - 3
❤️‍🔥 - 2
❤️ - 1
💔 - 0

Science-fiction movies
  •   Ilmiy to'qima filmlar
  •   hujjatli filmlar
6 ta ovoz

Action-packed movies
  •   Urush sahnasi yo'q kinolar
  •   Urush sahnalarga to'la kinolar
6 ta ovoz

A thought-provoking film
  •   O'ylashga majbur qiladigan film
  •   sayoz, manosiz film
6 ta ovoz

Clear my mind
  •   Miyyaga dam berish, tozalash
  •   Xato fikrlash
6 ta ovoz

On my days off,
  •   ish kunlarimda
  •   dam olish kunlarimda
6 ta ovoz

In the long run
  •   kelajakda
  •   o'tmishda
7 ta ovoz

Good morning guys😂

🔰Ingliz tilidagi formulalar

1. Do you mind + Ving/if
2. It is/was not much of + Noun
3. S + V + (that) + S + Subjective Mood
4. Of the two ....the + (comperative degree)
5. While + S
6. During + noun
7. Although + S + V
8. In spite of + noun
9. Despite + noun
10. Such + (a/an) + adjective + noun
11. Such + judgemental noun
12. Such + (a/an) + noun
13. Such + and + Such
14. Such is not used with adverbs
15. So + adjective
16. So + adverb
17. So + judgemental adjective
18. So is not used with nouns
19. By the time + present simple
20. By the time + past simple + past perfect
21. Will + be + ing(F.C)
22. If + any/anything/anybody and etc..
23. Should + (not) + simple verb
24. Ought to + (not) + simple verb
25. Had better + (not) + simple verb
26. Prefer + noun/ing + to + noun/ing
27. Would prefer + full Infinitive + rather than + (bare Infinitive)
28. Would prefer + bare Infinitive + than + (bare Infinitive)
29. Had better + bare Infinitive
30. If + S + V2, S + would + V
31. If + S + were, S + would + V
32. If + S + V2/were, S + could/might + V
33. If + S + could + V(were to + V), S + would/could/might + V
34. If + S + had + V3, S + would + have + V3
35. If + S + had + V3, S + could/might + have + V3
36. If + S + had + V3, S + would/could/might + V
37. If + S + V2/were, S + would/could/might + have + V3
38. I wish + S + V2
39. I wish + S + were
40. I wish + S + could + V
41. I wish + S + would + V
42. I wish + S + had + V3
43. I wish + S + could + have + V3
44. It is time + S + V2
45. It is time + to V1

You should just believe that🙂

Esse uchun qoliplar✅

Join: @English_timeN 🦋

📝 Future Niners — nechta tog’ri javob topa oldik?

😎 - 6
😇 - 5
🥰 - 4
🏆 - 3
❤️‍🔥 - 2
❤️ - 1
💔 - 0

The hustle and bustle of city life.
  •   Shaxardagi tinch, sokin hayoti
  •   Shaxardagi tez va shovqinli hayot
2 ta ovoz

Enjoy the tranquility of the countryside
  •   Qishloqning toza havosidan zavqlanmoq
  •   Qishloqning sokin muhitidan zavqlanmoq
2 ta ovoz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.