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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Ochishga ochdiz endi tepadagi post ga reaksiya bosib keting 😍🫶🕊😇❤️👆

Ramadan is coming…


Allohsiz men hech kimman)🙂


Billi Eilish - Ilomilo

Told you not to worry
But maybe that's a lie
Honey, what's your hurry?
Won't you stay inside?
Remember not to get too close to stars
They're never gonna give you love like ours

Where did you go?
I should know, but it's cold
And I don't wanna be lonely
So show me the way home
I can't lose another life

Hurry, I'm worried
The world's a little blurry
Or maybe it's my eyes
The friends I've had to bury
They keep me up at night

Said I couldn't love someone
'Cause I might break
If you're gonna die, not by mistake

So, where did you go?
I should know, but it's cold
And I don't wanna be lonely
So tell me you'll come home
Even if it's just a lie

I tried not to upset you
Let you, rescue, me the day I met you
I just wanted to protect you
But now I'll never get to

#music #lyrics


Selenophile 🤩

– A person who loves the moon

@Eng_Atmosphere 🌑

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Hayotdagi eng katta fojiya bu o'lim emas, balki maqsadsiz yashashdir

@Eng_Atmosphere 🌑

Ochishga ochdiz endi tepadagi post ga reaksiya bosib keting 😍🫶🕊😇❤️👆

G'am qayg'ularingga "(Menda) Namoz bor, duo bor" deya ayt!

@Eng_Atmosphere 🌑

4.7k 0 16 5 123

Don't forget Allah when you get what you prayed🤍

— Duo qilib so'raganlaringga yetganingda Allohni unutma🤍

@Eng_Atmosphere 🌑

5.1k 0 29 1 118

Agar bomdodga uyg'onolmasang, bomdodgacha uyg'oq boʻl.

@Eng_Atmosphere 🌑

O'zingizga ishoning, ko'p mehnat qiling va hech kimga nima qila olasiz yoki qila olmasligingizni aytishiga yo'l qo'ymang.

@Eng_Atmosphere 🌑

Birgina tabassum dunyoni o'zgartirolmas, lekin sening tabassuming meni o'zgartirishga qodir

@Eng_Atmosphere 🌑

Hamrohing Alloh bo'lsa sen uddalay olmaydigan ishning o'zi yo'q

@Eng_Atmosphere 🌑

6.4k 0 39 1 102

E'tiboringizni Allohni rozi qilishga qarating, atrofingizdaglarni emas. Nima qilsangiz ham hammani birdek rozi qila olmaysiz


Davom ettiramiza, so’zlarni
takrorlamaslikka harakat qilizlar!

1. so’z - MOON

6k 0 1 459 38

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Ba'zan jim turib sabr qilish azoblaringni ifodalashdan ko'ra yaxshiroq


Yo'qotgan har bir narsangizning o'rnini undanda go'zalrog'i egallaydi.

@Eng_Atmosphere 🚀

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Discipline ❤️

@Eng_Atmosphere 🚀

6.4k 0 49 9 116

Bizni oylamiz 10k bo’ldi 😍

Agarda kimdir sizni hursand qilsa, unu ko’proq hursand qiling ❤️

@Eng_Atmosphere 🚀

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.