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Speaking app boshdan oyoq yangilanyapti🫠

Bu menga o'xshaganlar uchun achinarli holat😩


Xamirni dumaloqdan tashqari har qanday shaklda yoya oladigan inson mendirman o'sha :)


Me to my money:
I knew from the beginning that i wouldn't able to keep you


''Cannot make up smb's minds''

The phrase "cannot make up smb's minds" means that someone is having difficulty making a decision or choosing between options. It implies indecisiveness, where the person keeps changing their thoughts or preferences and is unable to settle on a final choice.

For example, if someone keeps going back and forth on what to order at a restaurant, they "cannot make up their mind." It reflects a state of uncertainty or hesitation.



To over-generalize means to make a statement or conclusion that is too broad and not sufficiently supported by specific evidence or details. It involves taking a limited set of facts or observations and applying them too widely, often ignoring exceptions or variations.

For example, if someone meets a few unfriendly cats and then claims that "all cats are unfriendly," they are over-generalizing based on a small sample rather than considering the diverse behaviors of cats.

Over-generalization can lead to misconceptions, stereotypes, and inaccurate judgments.

To be keen on
To be passionate about
To be crazy about
To be a fan of
To be into
It’s my cup of tea
It’s my thing

Actual tests are musor tests 😏
Bir tiyinga qimmat!!!!
Believe me👌


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