British Council Uzbekistan

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Ruscha
Toifa: Ta’lim

We support peace and prosperity by building connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide.
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Ruscha
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📆 IELTS Calendar for 2025 is out!

See upcoming British Council IELTS exams in Tashkent for the whole year👏

Why IELTS is more with British Council?
📆 Exams are available every day
🚀 IELTS on Computer results in 24-48 hours
❗️ Ability to choose Speaking exam time, date and format
✔️ Take your full IELTS exam in one day
📚 Get access to 40+ mock tests and more...

Register now:

Share this c
alendar with anyone who is preparing to take IELTS!

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

🤝 On October 30, representatives from British Council Uzbekistan met with Tashkent International University’s leadership to discuss long-term collaboration.

The meeting focused on plans for assessing students' English proficiency through IELTS sessions on campus, building stronger connections with higher education institutions in the UK, and exploring opportunities for ACCA certification programs for students in economics.

👨‍🏫 Additionally, a presentation titled 'Current Trends in International English Language Tests: Factors Driving the Computerisation of Exams in Uzbekistan' was delivered to university students.


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

🎬 Best British Movies for a Thrilling Night!

Get ready for a Halloween movie marathon with these British spooky classics. Each one delivers chills, thrills, and a uniquely British take on horror. Perfect for a cosy night in, just add popcorn and dim the lights! 🍿

👻 The Witchfinder General
👻 The Others
👻 A Field in England
👻 The Descent
👻 Don’t Look Now

Which one’s your favourite Halloween pick? Or have any other British spooky favourites? Share in the comments below! 👇


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

🎬 Qo’rqinchli Britaniya filmlari!

Britaniyaning qo’rqinchli klassik filmlari bilan Xellouin kinomarafoniga tayyorlaning. Ularning har biri titroq, hayajon va qo’rqinchli filmlarga bo’lgan Britancha yondashuvni o’zida mujassamlashtirgan. Ushbu filmlar kechani maroqli o'tkazish uchun mos keladi, siz shunchaki popkornni olib, chiroqlarni o'chirsangiz kifoya!🍿

👻 The Witchfinder General (Buyuk inkvizitor)
👻 The Others (Boshqalar)
👻 A Field in England (Angliyadagi dala)
👻 The Descent (Tushish)
👻 Don’t Look Now (Hozir qaramay turing)

Britaniya qo'rqinchli filmlari orasida boshqa favoritlaringiz bormi? Quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring 👇


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

🇬🇧 UK vs 🇺🇸 US English?

So'z boyligingizni sinab ko'rish vaqti keldi! Biz Britaniya va Amerika ingliz tillarida ta'lim sohasiga oid so'zlar ro'yxatini tuzdik. Ularni ko'rib chiqing, qaysi atamalardan ko'proq foydalanishingizni o'ylab ko'ring va quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring!

Biz esa javoblaringizga baho beramiz 😏


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

🇬🇧 UK vs 🇺🇸 US English?

Time to put your vocabulary to the test! We’ve put together a list of British and American words related to studies. Check them out below, see which terms you use most, and let us know in the comments!

We’ll mark your answer for you 😏


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
⚡️ As the CEO of the ‘Mutolaa’ Uzbek Language Book Platform and UK Graduate, Sirojiddin Olimov is inspiring others!

↗️ His path from attending the University of Edinburgh to spearheading an innovative educational endeavour exemplifies how a UK education may open up incredible opportunities.

😮 We are thrilled to commemorate Sirojiddin's accomplishments as fellow UK alumni, and we invite you to join him by submitting an application for the StudyUK Alumni Awards 2025! As Sirojiddin has done, it is your chance to inspire others by sharing your own experience.

🖥 Apply for the StudyUK Alumni
Awards 2025!

🎯What amazing achievements have you made since receiving your degree? Don’t miss the opportunity to share your story with us!


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

Cook the books

🔺Buxgalteriya hisobi yoki moliyaviy hisobotlardagi ma'lumotlarni soxtalashtirish.

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan


🔺Ziqna odam; pul borasida saxiy bo'lmagan inson.

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

Golden handshake

🔺Xodim ishdan bo'shatilishi yoki muddatidan oldin nafaqaga chiqishi sabab unga ishdan ketish nafaqasi sifatida katta miqdorda pul berilishini anglatadi.

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

Money to burn

🔺Bir insonning keragidan ko'p puli bo'lishi va uni keraksiz narsalarni xarid qilishga sarflashini anglatadi.

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

💰 More financial idioms! 📈

Dive into more idioms related to money and finances. Discover new ways to discuss your financial topics!

💰 Moliya mavzusiga oid idiomalar! 📈

Pul va moliya bilan bog'liq idiomalar bilan tanishing. Moliya mavzusini muhokama qilishning yangi usullarini o’zingiz uchun kashf eting!


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

🖱️ Enjoy global recognition and career prospects that entail ACCA exams.

👉 For more information.


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

🏫 This week we worked with our partners on innovation in higher education and university governance.

In partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations and Advance HE we launched a new G-CAN programme which is aiming to provide  mechanisms for positive change in governance practices and facilitate shared learning and growth to establish a future community of practice. We discussed new principles and dimensions of the future University Governance code with the working group under the Ministry and agreed next steps in piloting new approaches with 12 universities in Uzbekistan.

🤝 We also and took part in the briefing, organised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations as part of International Partnerships week.


🏫 Bu hafta Britaniya Kengashi hamkorlari bilan oliy ta’lim va universitet boshqaruvi sohasida innovatsiyalar ustida faoliyat olib bordi.

Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi hamda "Advanced HE" bilan hamkorlikda yangi G-CAN dasturi boshlandi, ushbu dastur OTM boshqaruvning ijobiy mexanizmlarini ta’minlashni yaxshilash va kelajakda tajriba almashish hamjamiyatini yaratishga qaratilgqan. Vazirlik huzuridagi ishchi guruh bilan Universitetlar boshqaruv kodeksining yangi tamoyillari va yo‘nalishlari muhokama qilindi va O‘zbekistondagi 12 ta universitet bilan yangi yondashuvlarni sinovdan o‘tkazish bo‘yicha keyingi qadamlarni kelishib olindi.

🤝 Shuningdek, O’zbekistongagi Britaniya Kengashi Xalqaro hamkorlik haftaligi doirasida Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi tomonidan tashkil etilgan brifingda ishtirok etdi.

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

‼️ There’s still time to apply for the Study UK Alumni Awards in Uzbekistan!

🖥 Submit your application for one of four categories and you could win 1,200 £ for learning and development:

- Culture and Creativity Award
- Business and Innovation Award
- Social Action Award
- Science and Sustainability Award

🔗 Find out more


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

IELTS with Mr. Sardor dan repost
You know, there are levels and this is what I call THE LEVEL 😎

Imagine being a test taker, struggling with IELTS test and one day, you are featured on official global page of IELTS. You dont get better confirmation/recommendation than this 🤓

This means that our efforts are becoming visible and noted, for which I am really grateful 😇

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Sardor’s Success Story!

Sardor scored amazing 8.5 in his recent IELTS test with the British Council. We had to share his experience with the world.

📹 Watch the video on global TakeIELTS page on Instagram

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

17 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.