Postlar filtri

I was angry that day

It is my new diet meal

I haven't given it a name yet😅

Egg, tomato and garlic
Mixed and fried


Men can't cook


You sure?

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Anyway, people are trying in here 🇩🇪


2203 people
That is insane

It is 6 people a day

Some people drive the car like a 🐮🐄

Qalampir | ENGLISH dan repost
Uzbekistan sees over 2,000 road fatalities in 2024, calls for stricter traffic laws (video)

In Uzbekistan, 2,203 people lost their lives, and 8,901 were injured in 9,364 road accidents in 2024. This was reported today, January 24, during the third plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis by Senator Kutbiddin Burkhonov, Chairman of the Committee on Defense and Security.

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He didn't give up his dream

Well-done Abduqodir ⚡

You think you are not rich?

One of these is lying


Is Duolingo good to learn languages?
Anyone trying?

Kalandarov`s blog dan repost
Assalomu alaykum hammaga🤝. Oldingi kanalim malum bir sabablarga kora ochib😞 ketdi. Endilikda shu kanalda postlar yozib boraman.Bu yildan postlar Uzbek🇺🇿, Rus🇷🇺 va Ingliz🇬🇧 tillarida boladi.Nafaqat ingliz tiliga oid malumotlar balki, boshqa koplab sohalarga doir foydali postlar berib boriladi. 2025-yilda yangiliklar kop boladi degan umiddaman. Kanal havolasi ham o`zgardi endi telegramning global qidiruv🔎 tizimida @asqar_qalandarov deb izlasangiz kifoya.

Bugungi sana


Yes, she is on the right side ✅

I have a strange dream
It is going to the moon
Sitting on it while looking back to earth

Yeah, I know it is nearly impossible , but still having a dream is nice

People should have strange dreams, sometimes


This kid needs 25.000$

If 25,000 people donate 1$ or 50,000 people give 0,5$ each
we can make the kid and the mom happy again

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Please, everyone
I beg you

Watch this until the end

There is something good for you in video

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.