BM | IELTS 9.0

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

IELTS 9.0 | L9 R9 W8.5 S9
Founder of @ieltszone_uz
Kurslar haqida 👉 55 511-09-09

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Sorry, I was distracted, but here is what I was thinking:

Body 1:
Ten Months with Four Test Dates

Body 2:
June and December with 5 dates

Since this isn’t an actual Task 1 visual, I don’t think there’s much benefit in completing the entire report. The main focus should be on having a solid introductory paragraph along with a clear overview.

9.9k 0 10 32 78

Originally, I wanted to divide the data into the first and second six months, but I think there might be a better way.

Alright, I’ve decided to adjust my data grouping slightly. What alternative approach would you suggest for better clarity?

Detail Paragraph 1:

During the first half of the year, from January to June, there is a consistent pattern of exam dates. Each month typically includes four testing sessions, with the majority of these exams held on Saturdays. In addition, one Thursday session is scheduled each month, offering candidates greater flexibility in selecting a test date. However, June differs slightly from the other months, as it includes an additional session. This makes June one of the two months with five test dates, possibly reflecting a higher demand for exams during this period.

The schedule outlines the planned paper-based IELTS exam dates for 2025 by IDP Uzbekistan. Overall, the majority of exams are scheduled on Saturdays, with additional sessions taking place on Thursdays. Most months follow a regular pattern of test dates, while two months (June and December) offer extra sessions.

8.6k 1 17 3 127

Let’s see if we can write a report based on this calendar.

8k 0 32 10 87

IELTS IDP in Uzbekistan dan repost
2025-yil IELTS imtihon sanalari tayyor, siz-chi?

✅ Kelasi yilda IELTS olish niyat bo'lsa, hozirdan imtihon sanasini aniqlashtirib olishingiz mumkin!

📌 Aniq qo'yilgan maqsad, mas'uliyatni his qilishga va yuqori natija ko'rsatishga yordam beradi.

— IELTS sanalarini bilasiz, endi faqat tayyorlanish qoldi. Siz qachon imtihon topshirmoqchisiz?

❗️ Imtihonga EXAMS.UZ sayti orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting!

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Which type of Task 1 do you find most challenging?
  •   Bar
  •   Table
  •   Line
  •   Pie
  •   Mixed
  •   Process
  •   Map
3131 ta ovoz

Ok, let’s change subject, people. I just wanted to remember the day, without pointing fingers. I know that nobody is going to change their minds instantly, but keep educating yourself! Both sides have good arguments, so no need to debate. Let’s focus on IELTS :)

So what type of Task 1 do you find the most challenging?

I know there are still many people who believe in various conspiracy theories, so if you’re open-minded, let’s watch this short video together to learn more about the 9/11 attacks.

In the worst case, even if you don’t agree with what’s being said, you can at least practice your listening skills and pick up some English along the way.

Oh, I nearly forgot that today is 9/11, the day of the tragic attacks. I still remember hearing about it on the radio when I was just 13. At the time, there were all kinds of speculations about who was responsible for this act of terrorism.

What are your memories of that day, and who do you believe was behind the 9/11 attacks?

11.2k 0 27 114 215

IELTS ZONE 9.0 dan repost
iPhone olma — IELTS ol 😎

🍏 Yaqindagina Apple kompaniyasi o'zining iPhone 16 telefoni taqdimotini o'tkazdi. Butun dunyoda odamlar shu telefonni olish uchun o'zlarni har qanday holga solishadi. Bu holat bizga ham notanish emas :(

Bu telefonlar seriyasi har yil chiqadi va uni istalgan paytda olishingiz mumkin, ammo til o'rganish kutib turmaydi.

Pullaringizni behudaga sovurmang, hozir kelajagingiz uchun investitsiya qiling va ingliz tilini o'rganishni boshlang. 🤝

🔗 Aytgancha, Iphone 16 puliga «IELTS ZONE»da ingliz tilini 0 dan o'rganib IELTS sertifikatini qo'lga kiritishingiz mumkin :)


11.8k 0 51 40 268

Back in the day, such posts would lead to tons of engagement. #JustSaying

Here’s what the former writing examiner commented regarding the updated public band descriptors: as anticipated, they’ve eased the minimum requirements, particularly for bands 8.0 and 9.0.

I had a look at the grading criteria for band nine and it's definitely softer than what it was. I've circled in blue some of the new wording that they have introduced. It's probably partly due to a realisation that some people actually need band nine and in the past... It was almost this kind of sacred cow that you don't give band nine unless you thought it was good enough to be a native writer. I haven't had a chance to go through all of it though.

19.8k 0 61 17 128

Looks like I’ve left the charger for my iWatch back home.

Too bad I can’t keep track of my steps on the Fitness App as it is directly connected to the watch.

Or is there a way to disconnect it and use my phone as a data source?

Lekin tripda bo’lishga qaramasdan, Wrting Marathon ustida ishlanmoqda.

Hozir bu yerda kechki soat 11:52 shunga aybga buyurmaysizlar.

18.9k 0 10 38 188

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Bir joyda eshitgandim: har bir davlatga qilgan sayohatimiz nechtadir kitob o’qiganga teng bo’ladi deb.

Bugun nafaqat sayohatga otlandim, balki yo’lda audio kitob ham eshitib keldim.

Aytinglarchi, bu qayerni aeroporti?

19.1k 0 19 53 176

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Finally, that day has arrived…

I remember this being a topic in an IELTS Task 2 question like 20 years ago.

19.7k 1 99 49 257
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.