Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
⭐️ На рейсах Air Samarkand всегда хорошее настроение! Но сегодня - особенное: с нами летят артисты Государственного академического Большого театра Узбекистана имени Алишера Навои!
⭐️ Air Samarkand reyslarida doimo yaxshi kayfiyat! Ammo bugun - o‘zgacha, chunki biz bilan Alisher Navoiy nomidagi O‘zbekiston Davlat akademik Katta teatri artistlari uchmoqda!
⭐️ There's always a great atmosphere on Air Samarkand flights! But today is extra special: on board with us are the performers of the Alisher Navoi State academic Bolshoi theatre of Uzbekistan!
⭐️ Air Samarkand reyslarida doimo yaxshi kayfiyat! Ammo bugun - o‘zgacha, chunki biz bilan Alisher Navoiy nomidagi O‘zbekiston Davlat akademik Katta teatri artistlari uchmoqda!
⭐️ There's always a great atmosphere on Air Samarkand flights! But today is extra special: on board with us are the performers of the Alisher Navoi State academic Bolshoi theatre of Uzbekistan!