Abdulboriy | IELTS

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

• IELTS 8.5
• Professional IELTS instructor at Cambridge
• 5+ years of teaching experience

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Tomorrow is the last day to buy the course at an 80% discount!

💰 Original price: 500,000 so‘m ❌
🔥 Ramadan special: ONLY 99,000 so‘m! ✅

📩 Write to @assistant020 to to enroll!

Have you guys ever used paysend?

The first post will be about the advantages and disadvantages of working at Cambridge as a teacher. 🔥

In my dream last night, I found myself flying this beast, but I wasn’t controlling it—I was just inside it. It was nighttime, and I was crossing the ocean. Suddenly, I heard voices from my life, filled with fear, as if warning me. Then, lightning struck, and the thunder felt like it was grabbing me, pulling me with immense force. I felt like I was being dragged into death or another world.

But I resisted—and then I woke up.

I opened my eyes, but instead of reality, I found myself in a hotel room. There were two killers trying to murder a woman I somehow knew. I tried to defend her, fighting against them with everything I had.

And then—I really woke up.

Do you guys have some weird dreams too?

👉 Yopiq kanal - Link

⚡️ IELTS 9.0 | 🎓 Teaching | ✈️ Travel | 🏓 Table Tennis | 🌟 Insights | 📚 Book Club | 📣 Networking

Bu yopiq kanal faqat maqsadli auditoriya uchun. Tasodifan kirib, keyin chiqib ketadiganlar emas, balki haqiqatan ham foydali kontentga qiziqqanlar uchun. Shuning uchun one-time fee of 100K UZS bor.

Bu yerda hamkorlik (collaboration) qilishimiz, maslahat almashishimiz va savol-javoblar o’tkazishimiz mumkin.

Birga sayohat qilish – 🕋 Umraga yoki boshqa turistik davlatlarga safar uyushtirish ham rejalarda bor.

Agar siz shaxsiy rivojlanish, bilim almashish va foydali suhbatlar uchun jiddiy yondashsangiz, qo‘shiling!

❗️Qo‘shilish uchun, @assistant020 ga yozing.


A typical lazy student scenario:

Students come to my lessons without learning vocabulary or studying properly. As a result, I make them stay after class. They don’t like it and switch to other teachers. However, after completing Level 1, they still fail to score 5.5 on mock exams. Eventually, they return to me and start putting in more effort. The problem is that, at first, they blame the teacher for their failure. Only after failing the mock exam do they realize that their own laziness was the real issue. 💯

Breakdown of 60 Lessons: ↙️

🗣 Speaking: 14x
📘 Reading: 24x
✏️ Writing: 22x
🎧 Listening: 6x

✅ All lessons are recorded and uploaded in a private channel.
⏳ You will have at least 2 months of access to the course.

💰 Original price: 500,000 so‘m ❌
🔥 Ramadan special: ONLY 99,000 so‘m! ✅

📩 Write to @assistant020 to to enroll!

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🌙 Ramadan Special Discount for Online IELTS Full Course! 🌙

📚 This course includes 60 lessons covering all 4 sections of the IELTS exam.
✅ Perfect for all! Everything is explained from zero, so even if you’re new to IELTS, you’ll learn a great deal.
🎯 Real exam materials are used for Reading, Writing, and Speaking to ensure authentic practice.

💰 Original price: 500,000 so‘m ❌
🔥 Ramadan special: ONLY 99,000 so‘m! ✅

📩 Write to @assistant020 to to enroll!

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🌙 Ramadan Special Discount for Online Speaking Mock Test 🗣

💰 1 online speaking mock test with feedback = 100,000 so‘m ❌
✨ But this Ramadan, get 2 full mock tests with feedback for just 99,000! ✅
💯 Improve your speaking skills with expert feedback and real exam practice.

🎁 BONUS: 1 MONTH FREE ACCESS to TWO Speaking Marathons led by an American speaker!

📍 Mock tests will be conducted via Zoom or Telegram.
❗️ Limited spots available! Only 10-15 students will be accepted.

📩 Write to @assistant020 to book your 2 full mock tests and secure your spot in the Speaking Marathons!

By the way, I have finally registered for the exam today

P.S. I’ll start the prep soon

Yangilik haqida ertaga xabar beraman

Kecha Magnumda tanishim kassir qizga qarab bayramiz bilan desa qizam rahamt sizniyam desa bo’ladimi…..

Online course lar bo’yicha qanaqa Ramandan dicount or gift xohlaysiz?

Bahorda nech kishi IELTS topshiryapti?

756 0 0 12 10

Speaking ga bog’liq zo’r yangilik qilyalikmi?

Ayniqsa bahorda IELTS topshirayotganlar uchun zo’r yangilik bo’ladi deb o’ylayman 😁

Minday o’ylab qarasam Ramazon munosabati bilan hech qanday tuhfa yoki yangilik qilmagan ekanman-a?

For the who do not know me,
Welcome to My IELTS Coaching Channel!

I’m an IELTS teacher at Cambridge LC (Darkhan Branch), offering both offline and online lessons to help you achieve your target IELTS score.

📍 Offline lessons are held at Cambridge LC, Darkhan Branch.

💻 Online IELTS Courses

If you want to take online courses, I offer the following: 💻

✅ Individual IELTS Speaking Lessons
✅ Individual IELTS Full Course
✅ IELTS Full Course (Group)

📩 To sign up for online lessons, write to @assistant020

Shunaqa momentda hamma narsani shart tashlab ketvorsangda…

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.