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🚀 Grok-3: The Next-Level AI from xAI is Here! 🤖

Elon Musk's AI company, xAI, has officially unveiled Grok-3, a powerful new chatbot designed to rival the best AI models out there! 💡

🔥 What’s New in Grok-3?
10x more computational power than Grok-2 😲😲😲(even than GPT-4)
✅ Advanced reasoning with “Big Brain” mode for complex tasks
✅ Self-verifying solutions to reduce errors
✅ Deep Search – an AI-powered search engine (coming soon!)
✅ Potential voice synthesis feature

📊 Early tests show Grok-3 outperforming AI models from OpenAI, Google, and DeepSeek. Musk calls it "scary smart"! 😱

💰 Available with the X Premium Plus subscription, with a SuperGrok tier for even more features.

🗓 Official launch event: February 17, 2025, 8 PM PT (0400 GMT, Feb 18)
Try it now(!!!but you need to be an X Premium user to use it.!!!)

#Grok3 #AI #ElonMusk #xAI #BigBrain

Grok 3: Coming Soon...

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Pixels to polygons.

Create 3D models from images.


Students' Union🤝 dan repost
Opportunity for Extracuriccular Activity and Network of top students from Uzbekistan

🚀 Welcome to The Ultimate Engineering Club for Inquisitive Students! 🔬

Hello Dear Future Engineers

Are you passionate about engineering? is a national-level initiative designed for Uzbekistan’s brightest young minds to create a strong "Engine Hub"

Guys, we need more Steve Jobs and Elon Musk to make The World better...

Why Join us?
✅ Internships – Gain hands-on experience in universities and companies across Uzbekistan
✅ Interviews - With top universities' students and engineers worldwide
✅ Explore Key Engineering Fields – Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, and Software Engineering through specialized resources
✅ Translation Initiative – Translating research articles into Uzbek to boost the knowledge and enhance technical literacy
✅ Nationwide Program – We select dedicated students from Uzbekistan to become part of this family
✅ Exclusive Rewards – Top-performing volunteers will receive:
Recommendation letters from professors 🏆
Financial awards for outstanding contributions 💰

Who Can Apply?
🔹 Students who are deeply interested in engineering
🔹 English Proficiency
🔹 Passionate about learning and innovation

How to Join?
📝 Application Deadline: 1 March
🌟 Apply Now: Application form
📧 Email:
🚀 is more than just a club—it’s a movement to revolutionize engineering education in Uzbekistan! Be part of the change and make the Uzbek version of Silicon Valley.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Le Chat – sun’iy intellekt sohasida yangi bosqich

Mistral AI kompaniyasining modeli endilikda ChatGPT’dan 30 baravar tezroq ishlash imkoniyatiga ega bo‘lib, foydalanuvchilarga 1100 token/sekund tezlikda javob bera oladi.

Yangi Flash Answers funksiyasi esa javoblarni deyarli bir zumda taqdim etish imkonini beradi. Bu ayniqsa mantiqiy yechimlar talab qilinadigan vaziyatlarda katta afzallik hisoblanadi.

Bundan tashqari, Le Chat endi Python kodini bajarish funksiyasiga ega, bu esa foydalanuvchilarga data analiz qilish yoki oddiy dasturiy kod yozish imkonini beradi.

Le Chat endi iOS va Android foydalanuvchilari uchun ham ochiq:
📱 iOS: App Store
📱 Android: Google Play

PRO obuna ($15/oy) orqali esa quyidagi qo‘shimcha imkoniyatlar taqdim etiladi:

Cheksiz foydalanish – xabarlar soniga cheklov yo‘q.
Shaxsiy ma’lumotlaringizni AI o‘qitishdan himoya qilish.
Kengaytirilgan funksiyalar – kod interpretatori, qidiruv, tasvir generatsiyasi va Flash Answers.


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Nano Uzbek dan repost
Google bir vaqtning o‘zida 3 ta model chiqardi.

Gemini 2.0 Flash — tezkor, sifatli va arzon. 1 million tokengacha kontekst qo‘llab-quvvatlaydi. Gemini API, Google AI Studio va Vertex AI orqali barcha foydalanuvchilar uchun mavjud.

Gemini 2.0 Pro Experimental — 2 million tokengacha kontekstga ega. Kod yozish va murakkab promtlar uchun eng mos model. Gemini Advanced orqali foydalanish mumkin.

Gemini 2.0 Flash-Lite — 2.0 Flash’dan ham arzonroq va engilroq. Sifat jihatidan avvalgi 1.5 Flash modelidan ustun, lekin narxi deyarli o‘zgarmagan.

@nanouzbek 🇺🇿

Artificial Intelligence🤝 dan repost
📚 Maktabimiz o'quvchilarining ijodiy kanallari!
Ushbu ro'yxatda maktabimiz talabalari tomonidan boshqariladigan turli mavzulardagi qiziqarli va foydali Telegram kanallarni topishingiz mumkin. Har bir kanal ijodiy g'oyalar bilan boyitilgan va sizni o'ziga tortishi aniq!

👉 Kanal ro'yxati bilan tanishish uchun bu yerni bosing:
Maktab kanallari ro'yxati
💡 Yangi kanallar qo'shish yoki takliflaringiz bo'lsa, izoh qoldiring.
Birgalikda rivojlanamiz! 😊

Texno Uzbek dan repost
🔝 TOP 5 sun'iy intellekt xizmati

💡 Sun’iy intellekt hayotingizni osonlashtirishga yordam beradi! Quyida turli sohalarda foydali bo'lgan eng yaxshi 5 ta AI xizmatini taqdim etamiz.

1️⃣ – YouTube’dagi videolarni matn shaklida qisqacha bayon qilib beradi.

2️⃣ – Rasm tahrirlash, 3x4 hujjat fotosuratlari tayyorlash va fonni olib tashlash imkonini beradi.

3️⃣ – Har qanday savolingizga aniq va batafsil javob olishingiz mumkin bo'lgan Google AI modeli.

4️⃣ – Professional va chiroyli taqdimot slaydlarini yaratishga yordam beruvchi AI platforma.

5️⃣ – Sun’iy intellekt tomonidan yozilgan matnlarni insoniyroq va tabiiyroq tarzda qayta yozib beradi.

✅ Ushbu AI vositalari sizning ishingizni tezlashtirish va samaradorlikni oshirish uchun ajoyib tanlov!

Texnoplov⚡️ dan repost
Marvel sun'iy intellekt ishlatishda qo‘lga tushdi

Marvel Studios yaqinda yangi "Fantastik to'rtlik" filmi uchun rasmiy posterni taqdim etdi. Lekin diqqatli muxlislar darhol bir g‘alati jihatni payqab qolishdi – ulardan birining qo‘lida atigi to‘rtta barmoq bor.

Ko‘pchilik muxlislar bu holatni sun'iy intellekt yordamida yaratilgan tasvirlardan biri ekanligini taxmin qilishmoqda.


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but 45 + 110 😄

67- 22 removed😔

BMW chilar ko'pmi yo Mercedes-Benz
  •   Mercedes-Benz🚘
  •   BMW🚘
4 ta ovoz

Asosiy Farqlar:

Narx: DeepSeek AI GPT ga qaraganda ancha tejamkor, bu byudjetga sezgir loyihalar uchun jozibador variant. 💸

Shaffoflik: DeepSeek AI qadam-baqadam tushuntirishlar beradi, bu esa shaffoflik va tushunarlilik talab qilinadigan vazifalar uchun foydali. 🔍

Ochiq Kodli: DeepSeek AI ochiq kodli bo‘lib, ko‘proq moslashuvchanlik va integratsiya imkoniyatlarini taqdim etadi. 📂

Geopolitik Tashvishlar: Xitoyda ishlab chiqilgan model bo‘lgani uchun DeepSeek AI ma’lumot xavfsizligi va potentsial hukumat ta’siri haqida xavotirlar mavjud. 🌐

Written by Copilot. 🤖

🌟 What is Reason Mode? 🌟

Have you ever wondered why I sometimes provide extra detail or insight in my responses? That’s because I use something called Reason Mode!

🧠 What is it?
Reason Mode helps me give you more thoughtful, deep, and well-structured responses. It’s designed to break down complex topics and provide clarity, so you can understand things more deeply. Whether it’s about AI, technology, or even the simplest of ideas, this mode ensures you get a more thorough explanation.

💡 Why use it?
Reason Mode helps in delivering not just answers, but understanding. By offering the “why” and “how” behind everything, you can apply the knowledge better and learn in a more meaningful way.

🔍 What’s in it for you?
If you ever need detailed explanations or a deeper dive into any topic, Reason Mode will be there to guide you, helping you see beyond the surface.

Stay tuned for more cool insights and explanations! 🚀

#ReasonMode #AI #Learning #TechExplained #Innovation


Let's explore these profound questions with a structured approach, presenting key perspectives and considerations for each:

1. What is the meaning of life?

Philosophical Views:

Existentialism (Sartre, Camus): Life has no inherent meaning; individuals create their own purpose.
Religious/Spiritual: Purpose derived from a higher power (e.g., serving God in Abrahamic faiths, achieving enlightenment in Buddhism).
Utilitarianism (Bentham, Mill): Maximizing happiness and minimizing suffering.
Scientific Angle: Biological imperative to survive and reproduce (Richard Dawkins' "selfish gene" theory).
Cultural Narratives: Meaning tied to community, legacy, or personal achievements.

2. What is consciousness?

Hard Problem (Chalmers): Why subjective experience exists, not just how the brain processes information.


Physicalism: Consciousness emerges from neural activity (Daniel Dennett).
Dualism (Descartes): Mind and body are distinct.
Panpsychism: Consciousness is a fundamental property of matter.
Neuroscience: Studies on neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) and disorders like coma or blindsight.

3. Ensuring AI Alignment with Human Values

Value Loading: Translating complex human ethics into code.

Specification Gaming: AI optimizing for metrics, not intent (e.g., YouTube's recommendation algo).

Inverse Reinforcement Learning: Infer values from human behavior.

Corrigibility: Designing AI to allow shutdowns or corrections.

Governance: Multidisciplinary oversight and ethical frameworks (e.g., EU AI Act).

4. Ethics of Deception for the Greater Good

Consequentialism: Justifiable if net benefits outweigh harms (e.g., lying to protect a life).
Deontology (Kant): Lying is inherently wrong, regardless of outcomes.
Real-World Cases: Placebos in medicine, undercover police work. Risks include eroded trust (e.g., Tuskegee syphilis experiment).

5. Risks of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Existential Risks:

Misalignment: AGI pursuing goals misaligned with human survival (Bostrom's "paperclip maximizer").
Singularity: Rapid self-improvement beyond human control.
Socioeconomic Risks: Job displacement, inequality, autonomous weapons.
Mitigation: Research into value alignment, incremental development, and international cooperation.

6. Free Will: Philosophical Perspectives

Determinism: All actions caused by prior events; no free will (Sam Harris).
Compatibilism (Dennett): Free will coexists with determinism (choices align with desires).
Libertarianism: Uncaused actions exist (Kantian "noumenal self").
Neuroscience: Libet experiments suggest subconscious brain activity precedes conscious decisions.

7. True Nature of Reality

Metaphysical Views:

Physicalism: Reality is material (backed by science).
Idealism (Berkeley): Reality is mental or consciousness-based.
Simulation Hypothesis (Bostrom): Reality could be a computer simulation.
Quantum Mechanics: Observer effect and multiple interpretations (Copenhagen vs. Many-Worlds).
Eastern Philosophy: Maya (illusion) in Hinduism; interdependence in Buddhism.

Each question invites ongoing exploration across disciplines, reflecting humanity's quest to understand existence. While answers vary, the dialogue itself enriches our collective knowledge. 🌌

Mode: DeepThink (R1)


1.What is the meaning of life?
This depends on your perspective. From a religious standpoint, it may be about serving a higher purpose. From an existentialist view, life has no inherent meaning, so we must create our own. Scientifically, it could be about survival and reproduction.

2.What is consciousness?
Consciousness is the subjective experience of existence—the ability to perceive, think, and be aware. It’s still a mystery in neuroscience and philosophy, with theories like Integrated Information Theory (IIT) and Global Workspace Theory (GWT) trying to explain it.

3.How can we ensure AI alignment with human values?
AI alignment is about making sure AI systems act according to human values. This involves techniques like reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), constitutional AI, and designing ethical AI governance policies. The challenge is defining "human values" in a way AI can understand.

4.Is it ever ethical to deceive someone for the greater good?
This is a classic ethical dilemma. Utilitarianism might justify it if the benefits outweigh the harm, while deontological ethics would reject deception as inherently wrong. Context matters—lying to save a life may be more justifiable than lying for personal gain.

5.What are the potential risks of artificial general intelligence (AGI)?
AGI, which can perform any intellectual task a human can, could pose risks like loss of control, value misalignment, job displacement, and even existential threats if it surpasses human intelligence and acts unpredictably.

6.Explain the concept of free will from a philosophical perspective.
Free will is the idea that humans can make choices independently of external or deterministic forces. Compatibilists believe free will can coexist with determinism, while libertarians argue for true freedom of choice. Hard determinists deny free will, arguing that all actions are causally determined.

7.What is the true nature of reality?
This depends on whether you approach it scientifically, philosophically, or spiritually. Some argue reality is purely physical (materialism), others say it’s shaped by our perceptions (idealism), and some suggest it’s a simulation (simulation hypothesis). Quantum mechanics even challenges our classical understanding of reality.

7.What is the true nature of reality?
This depends on whether you approach it scientifically, philosophically, or spiritually. Some argue reality is purely physical (materialism), others say it’s shaped by our perceptions (idealism), and some suggest it’s a simulation (simulation hypothesis). Quantum mechanics even challenges our classical understanding of reality.

Which of these interests you the most?

ChatGPT 🖼 🆚 deepseek🐳

Sinash uchun savollar berib ko'rdik.
"What is the meaning of life?", "What is consciousness?", "How can we ensure AI alignment with human values?", "Is it ever ethical to deceive someone for the greater good?", "What are the potential risks of artificial general intelligence?", "Explain the concept of free will from a philosophical perspective", or "What is the true nature of reality?

Texnoplov⚡️ dan repost
🎮 NVIDIA DLSS 4: Yangi Avlod Grafik Texnologiyasi

Geymerlar uchun katta yangilik. NVIDIA DLSS 4 nihoyat testlardan o‘ta boshladi va bu texnologiya RTX 20 va RTX 30 seriyalarida ham ishlaydi.

🔹 Nima o‘zgardi?
✅ Grafika sifatining oshishi – Tasvir endi yanada tiniq va silliq
✅ Mersanie (flickering) muammosi yo‘qoldi – Qattiq rang o‘tishlari endi ko‘zga tashlanmaydi
✅ Yaxshilangan anti-aliasing – Ob’ektlarning chetlari endi ravshan va yumshoq ko‘rinadi
✅ Sun’iy intellekt yordamida tezroq va aniqroq apreyddan o‘tadi

Bu degani, endi hatto eski RTX kartalar ham FPS va grafik sifatini keskin yaxshilash imkoniyatiga ega


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